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   '''▶️ Volcanic clan'''
   '''▶️ Volcanic clan'''
   * RANK 1: Complete objectives
   RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fire essences
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fire essences
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Vulpix 1x Ninetales
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Vulpix 1x Ninetales
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 1 Increase ground element skill to level 1  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 1 Increase ground element skill to level 1  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Fire Stone 1x Earth Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic outfit Title of Volcanic Spark <br>
   🔸1x Fire Stone 1x Earth Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic outfit Title of Volcanic Spark <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Charmeleon
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Charmeleon
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Charmander 1x Charmeleon 1x Charizard
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Charmander 1x Charmeleon 1x Charizard
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 2 Increase ground element skill to level 2  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 2 Increase ground element skill to level 2  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸2x Fire Stone 2x Earth Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Flame <br>
   🔸2x Fire Stone 2x Earth Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Flame <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 500x Arcanine
   Defeat pokémons: 500x Arcanine
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Furs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Furs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 3 Increase ground element skill to level 3  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 3 Increase ground element skill to level 3  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸3x Fire Stone 3x Earth Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Firetamer <br>
   🔸3x Fire Stone 3x Earth Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Firetamer <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 700x Typhlosion
   Defeat pokémons: 700x Typhlosion
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Nails
   ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Nails
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar 1x Charmander
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar 1x Charmander
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 4 Increase ground element skill to level 4  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 4 Increase ground element skill to level 4  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸4x Fire Stone 4x Earth Stone +10% experience to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Pyromancer <br>
   🔸4x Fire Stone 4x Earth Stone +10% experience to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Pyromancer <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Flamemaster Magmortar
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Flamemaster Magmortar
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Ruby pokeorbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Ruby pokeorbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Cyndaquil 1x Quilava 1x Typhlosion 1x Slugma 1x Combusken 1x Blaziken
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Cyndaquil 1x Quilava 1x Typhlosion 1x Slugma 1x Combusken 1x Blaziken
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 5 Increase ground element skill to level 5  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 5 Increase ground element skill to level 5  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Fire Stone 5x Earth Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic Master outfit Title of Volcanic Master
   🔸5x Fire Stone 5x Earth Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic Master outfit Title of Volcanic Master
   '''▶️ Naturia clan
   '''▶️ Naturia clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Seeds
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Seeds
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weepinbell 1x Victreebel
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weepinbell 1x Victreebel
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 1 Increase bug element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 1 Increase bug element skill to level 1
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Leaf Stone 1x Coccon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia outfit Title of Naturia Seed <br>
   🔸1x Leaf Stone 1x Coccon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia outfit Title of Naturia Seed <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Tangela
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Tangela
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Oddish 1x Gloom 1x Vileplume
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Oddish 1x Gloom 1x Vileplume
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 2 Increase bug element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 2 Increase bug element skill to level 2
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸2x Leaf Stone 2x Coccon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Sprout <br>
   🔸2x Leaf Stone 2x Coccon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Sprout <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Meganium
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Meganium
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bulbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bulbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sunkern 1x Sunflora 1x Seedot 1x Nuzleaf 1x Shiftry
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sunkern 1x Sunflora 1x Seedot 1x Nuzleaf 1x Shiftry
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 3 Increase bug element skill to level 3
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 3 Increase bug element skill to level 3
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸3x Leaf Stone 3x Coccon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Webhead <br>
   🔸3x Leaf Stone 3x Coccon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Webhead <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 700x Sceptile
   Defeat pokémons: 700x Sceptile
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Leaves
   ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Leaves
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Victreebel 1x Bulbasaur 1x Ivysaur 1x Venusaur 1x Breloom 1x Skiploom
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Victreebel 1x Bulbasaur 1x Ivysaur 1x Venusaur 1x Breloom 1x Skiploom
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 4 Increase bug element skill to level 4
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 4 Increase bug element skill to level 4
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸4x Leaf Stone 4x Coccon Stone +10% experience to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Woodtrunk <br>
   🔸4x Leaf Stone 4x Coccon Stone +10% experience to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Woodtrunk <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Knight Scyther
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Knight Scyther
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Emerald pokeorbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Emerald pokeorbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bellsprout 1x Ludicolo 1x Meganium 1x Vileplume 1x Victreebel 1x Treecko
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bellsprout 1x Ludicolo 1x Meganium 1x Vileplume 1x Victreebel 1x Treecko
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 5 Increase bug element skill to level 5
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 5 Increase bug element skill to level 5
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Leaf Stone 5x Coccon Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia Keeper outfit Title of Naturia Keeper
   🔸5x Leaf Stone 5x Coccon Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia Keeper outfit Title of Naturia Keeper
   '''▶️ Gardestrike clan
   '''▶️ Gardestrike clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Fighter gloves
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Fighter gloves
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 1 Increase normal element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 1 Increase normal element skill to level 1
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Punch Stone 1x Heart Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike outfit Title of Gardestrike Fist <br>
   🔸1x Punch Stone 1x Heart Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike outfit Title of Gardestrike Fist <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Hitmonlee
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Hitmonlee
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 2 Increase normal element skill to level 2  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 2 Increase normal element skill to level 2  
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸2x Punch Stone 2x Heart Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Tamer <br>
   🔸2x Punch Stone 2x Heart Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Tamer <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Hitmonchan
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Hitmonchan
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fighter feet
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fighter feet
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 3 Increase normal element skill to level 3
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 3 Increase normal element skill to level 3
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸3x Punch Stone 3x Heart Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Fighter <br>
   🔸3x Punch Stone 3x Heart Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Fighter <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 700x Hitmontop
   Defeat pokémons: 700x Hitmontop
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Bands
   ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Bands
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 4 Increase normal element skill to level 4
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 4 Increase normal element skill to level 4
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸4x Punch Stone 4x Heart Stone +10% experience to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Deathhand <br>
   🔸4x Punch Stone 4x Heart Stone +10% experience to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Deathhand <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Master Machamp
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Master Machamp
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Jasper pokeorbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Jasper pokeorbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath 1x Heracross
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath 1x Heracross
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 5 Increase normal element skill to level 5
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 5 Increase normal element skill to level 5
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Punch Stone 5x Heart Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike Champion outfit Title of Gardestrike Champion
   🔸5x Punch Stone 5x Heart Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike Champion outfit Title of Gardestrike Champion
   '''▶️ Malefic clan
   '''▶️ Malefic clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Poison bottles
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Poison bottles
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Ekans 1x Arbok
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Ekans 1x Arbok
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 1 Increase dark element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 1 Increase dark element skill to level 1
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Dusk Stone 1x Dark Stone +5% atk/def stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic outfit Title of Malefic Troublemaker <br>
   🔸1x Dusk Stone 1x Dark Stone +5% atk/def stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic outfit Title of Malefic Troublemaker <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Nidoking
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Nidoking
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Grimer 1x Muk 1x Nidorino 1x Nidorina
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Grimer 1x Muk 1x Nidorino 1x Nidorina
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 2 Increase dark element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 2 Increase dark element skill to level 2
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸2x Dusk Stone 2x Dark Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Venomances <br>
   🔸2x Dusk Stone 2x Dark Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Venomances <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 300x Crobat
   Defeat pokémons: 300x Crobat
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bat wings
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bat wings
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Zubat 1x Golbat 1x Koffing 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Zubat 1x Golbat 1x Koffing 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 3 Increase dark element skill to level 3
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 3 Increase dark element skill to level 3
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸3x Dusk Stone 3x Dark Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Spectre  <br>
   🔸3x Dusk Stone 3x Dark Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Spectre  <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 700x Gengar
   Defeat pokémons: 700x Gengar
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Traces of ghost
   ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Traces of ghost
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking 1x Gastly 1x Haunter 1x Gengar
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking 1x Gastly 1x Haunter 1x Gengar
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 4 Increase dark element skill to level 4
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 4 Increase dark element skill to level 4
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸4x Dusk Stone 4x Dark Stone +10% experience to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Nightwalker <br>
   🔸4x Dusk Stone 4x Dark Stone +10% experience to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Nightwalker <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Terror Gengar
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Terror Gengar
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Tourmaline pokeorbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Tourmaline pokeorbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Haunter 1x Gengar 1x Ekans 1x Arbok 1x Nidorina 1x Nidorino
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Haunter 1x Gengar 1x Ekans 1x Arbok 1x Nidorina 1x Nidorino
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 5 Increase dark element skill to level 5
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 5 Increase dark element skill to level 5
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Dusk Stone 5x Dark Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic Lord/Lady outfit Title of Malefic Lord/Lady
   🔸5x Dusk Stone 5x Dark Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic Lord/Lady outfit Title of Malefic Lord/Lady
   '''▶️ Wingeon clan
   '''▶️ Wingeon clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Bird beaks
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Bird beaks
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pidgey 1x Pidgeotto 1x Pidgeot
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pidgey 1x Pidgeotto 1x Pidgeot
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 1 Increase dragon element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 1 Increase dragon element skill to level 1
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Heart Stone 1x Crystal Stone +5% atk/def stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon outfit Title of Wingeon Cloud <br>
   🔸1x Heart Stone 1x Crystal Stone +5% atk/def stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon outfit Title of Wingeon Cloud <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Dragonair
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Dragonair
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 2 Increase dragon element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 2 Increase dragon element skill to level 2
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸2x Heart Stone 2x Crystal Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Wind <br>
   🔸2x Heart Stone 2x Crystal Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Wind <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 500x Pidgeot
   Defeat pokémons: 500x Pidgeot
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Feathers
   ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Feathers
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Fearow 1x Farfetchd
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Fearow 1x Farfetchd
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 3 Increase dragon element skill to level 3
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 3 Increase dragon element skill to level 3
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸3x Heart Stone 3x Crystal Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Sky <br>
   🔸3x Heart Stone 3x Crystal Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Sky <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 700x Dragonite
   Defeat pokémons: 700x Dragonite
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Dragon teeth
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Dragon teeth
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair 1x Dragonite 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Noctowl
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair 1x Dragonite 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Noctowl
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 4 Increase dragon element skill to level 4
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 4 Increase dragon element skill to level 4
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸4x Heart Stone 4x Crystal Stone +10% experience to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Falcon <br>
   🔸4x Heart Stone 4x Crystal Stone +10% experience to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Falcon <br>
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Eternal Dragonite
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Eternal Dragonite
   * ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Pearl pokeorbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Pearl pokeorbs
   * ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Noctowl 1x Altaria 1x Kingdra 1x Vibrava 1x Swellow 1x Pidgeot
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Noctowl 1x Altaria 1x Kingdra 1x Vibrava 1x Swellow 1x Pidgeot
   * ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 5 Increase dragon element skill to level 5
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 5 Increase dragon element skill to level 5
   * ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Heart Stone 5x Crystal Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon Dragon outfit Title of Wingeon Dragon
   🔸5x Heart Stone 5x Crystal Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon Dragon outfit Title of Wingeon Dragon
   '''▶️ Raibolt clan
   '''▶️ Raibolt clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️Collectitems: 100x Imams
   ▫️ Collectitems: 100x Imams
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 1 Increase poison element skill to level 1  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 1 Increase poison element skill to level 1  
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Thunder Stone 1x Venom Stone +5% atk/def stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt outfit Title of Raibolt Shock
   🔸1x Thunder Stone 1x Venom Stone +5% atk/def stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt outfit Title of Raibolt Shock <br>
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 300x Flaaffy
   * Defeat pokémons: 300x Flaaffy
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mareep 1x Flaaffy 1x Ampharos
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Mareep 1x Flaaffy 1x Ampharos
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 2 Increase poison element skill to level 2
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 2 Increase poison element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 120
   ♦️ Reward
   * ♦️ Reward
   🔸2x Thunder Stone 2x Venom Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Watt <br>
   * 🔸2x Thunder Stone 2x Venom Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Watt
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Raichu
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Electric tails
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Raichu
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Electric tails
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 3 Increase poison element skill to level 3
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 3 Increase poison element skill to level 3
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 140
   🔸3x Thunder Stone 3x Venom Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Electrician <br>
   * ♦️ Reward
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * 🔸3x Thunder Stone 3x Venom Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Electrician
   Defeat pokémons: 300x Electivire
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Electric boxes
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu
   * Defeat pokémons: 300x Electivire
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 4 Increase poison element skill to level 4
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Electric boxes
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 4 Increase poison element skill to level 4
   🔸4x Thunder Stone 4x Venom Stone +10% experience to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Overcharged <br>
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 170
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * ♦️ Reward
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Starskin Electivire
   * 🔸4x Thunder Stone 4x Venom Stone +10% experience to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Overcharged
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Topaz pokeorbs
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Magneton
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 5 Increase poison element skill to level 5
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Starskin Electivire
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ▫️Collectitems: 200x Topaz pokeorbs
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Magneton
   🔸5x Thunder Stone 5x Venom Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt Legend outfit Title of Raibolt Legend
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 5 Increase poison element skill to level 5
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Thunder Stone 5x Venom Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt Legend outfit Title of Raibolt Legend
   '''▶️ Psycraft clan
   '''▶️ Psycraft clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Future orbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Future orbs
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 1 Increase fairy element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 1 Increase fairy element skill to level 1
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Psychic Stone +5% atk/def stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft outfit Title of Psycraft Mind
   🔸1x Psychic Stone +5% atk/def stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft outfit Title of Psycraft Mind <br>
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Hypno
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Hypno
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 2 Increase fairy element skill to level 2
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 2 Increase fairy element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 120
   ♦️ Reward
   * ♦️ Reward
   🔸2x Psychic Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Brain <br>
   * 🔸2x Psychic Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Brain
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 300x Espeon
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Hypnosis medal
   * Defeat pokémons: 300x Espeon
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Natu 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Baltoy
   * ▫️Collectitems: 200x Hypnosis medal
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 3 Increase fairy element skill to level 3
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Natu 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Baltoy
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 3 Increase fairy element skill to level 3
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 140
   🔸3x Psychic Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Scholar <br>
   * ♦️ Reward
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * 🔸3x Psychic Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Scholar
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Togekiss
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Psychic spoons
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Togekiss
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 4 Increase fairy element skill to level 4
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Psychic spoons
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 4 Increase fairy element skill to level 4
   🔸4x Psychic Stone +10% experience to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Telepath <br>
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 170
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * ♦️ Reward
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Psycho Alakazam
   * 🔸4x Psychic Stone +10% experience to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Telepath
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Amber pokeorbs
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Exeggutor 1x Lunatone 1x Solrock 1x Claydol
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 5 Increase fairy element skill to level 5
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Psycho Alakazam
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ▫️Collectitems: 200x Amber pokeorbs
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Exeggutor 1x Lunatone 1x Solrock 1x Claydol
   🔸5x Psychic Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft Medium outfit Title of Psycraft Medium
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 5 Increase fairy element skill to level 5
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Psychic Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft Medium outfit Title of Psycraft Medium
   '''▶️ Orebound clan
   '''▶️ Orebound clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️Collectitems: 300x Stone orbs
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Stone orbs
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Geodude 1x Graveler 1x Golem
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Geodude 1x Graveler 1x Golem
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 1 Increase steel element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 1 Increase steel element skill to level 1
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Moon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound outfit Title of Orebound Sand
   🔸1x Moon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound outfit Title of Orebound Sand <br>
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 200x Sandslash
   * Defeat pokémons: 200x Sandslash
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 2 Increase steel element skill to level 2
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 2 Increase steel element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 120
   ♦️ Reward
   * ♦️ Reward
   🔸2x Moon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Rock <br>
   * 🔸2x Moon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Rock
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhydon
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Sand bags  
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhydon
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Rhyhorn 1x Rhydon 1x Onix 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Sand bags  
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 3 Increase steel element skill to level 3
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Rhyhorn 1x Rhydon 1x Onix 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 3 Increase steel element skill to level 3
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 140
   🔸3x Moon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type Pokémons/Steel-type Title of Orebound Solid <br>
   * ♦️ Reward
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * 🔸3x Moon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type Pokémons/Steel-type Title of Orebound Solid
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhyperior
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Horns
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio 1x Cubone 1x Marowak
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhyperior
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 4 Increase steel element skill to level 4
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Horns
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio 1x Cubone 1x Marowak
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 4 Increase steel element skill to level 4
   🔸4x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +10% experience to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Hardskin <br>
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 170
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * ♦️ Reward
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Supreme Nidoking
   * 🔸4x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +10% experience to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Hardskin
   ▫️ Collectitems: 100x Onyx pokeorbs
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Marowak 1x Vibrava 1x Gligar 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 5 Increase steel element skill to level 5
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Supreme Nidoking
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ▫️Collectitems: 100x Onyx pokeorbs
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Marowak 1x Vibrava 1x Gligar 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar
   🔸5x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound Hero outfit Title of Orebound Hero
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 5 Increase steel element skill to level 5
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound Hero outfit Title of Orebound Hero
   '''▶️ Seavell clan
   '''▶️ Seavell clan
   * ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
   * ▫️Collectitems: 400x Water essences
   ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Water essences
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Squirtle 1x Wartortle 1x Blastoise
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Squirtle 1x Wartortle 1x Blastoise
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 1 Increase ice element skill to level 1
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 1 Increase ice element skill to level 1
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 100
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
   * ♦️ Reward
   ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸1x Water Stone 1x Glace Stone +5% atk/def stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell outfit Title of Seavell Drop\
   🔸1x Water Stone 1x Glace Stone +5% atk/def stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell outfit Title of Seavell Drop\ <br>
   ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   * ▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Jynx
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Jynx
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dewgong 1x Cloyster 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Dewgong 1x Cloyster 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 2 Increase ice element skill to level 2
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 2 Increase ice element skill to level 2
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 120
   ♦️ Reward
   * ♦️ Reward
   🔸2x Water Stone 2x Glace Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Icelake <br>
   * 🔸2x Water Stone 2x Glace Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Icelake
   ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   Defeat pokémons: 400x Gyarados
   * ▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Turtle hulls
   * Defeat pokémons: 400x Gyarados
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Gyarados 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Mantine 1x Ludicolo 1x Wingull
   * ▫️Collectitems: 300x Turtle hulls
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 3 Increase ice element skill to level 3
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Gyarados 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Mantine 1x Ludicolo 1x Wingull
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 3 Increase ice element skill to level 3
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 140
   🔸3x Water Stone 3x Glace Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Waterfall <br>
   * ♦️ Reward
   ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   * 🔸3x Water Stone 3x Glace Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Waterfall
   Defeat pokémons: 500x Lapras
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Sapphire pokeorbs
   * ▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Swampert 1x Marshtomp
   * Defeat pokémons: 500x Lapras
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 4 Increase ice element skill to level 4
   * ▫️Collectitems: 200x Sapphire pokeorbs
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Swampert 1x Marshtomp
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 4 Increase ice element skill to level 4
   🔸4x Water Stone 4x Glace Stone +10% experience to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Frost <br>
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 170
   ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   * ♦️ Reward
   Defeat pokémons: 750x Pincer Kingler
   * 🔸4x Water Stone 4x Glace Stone +10% experience to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Frost
   ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Lazuli pokeorbs
   ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Tentacool 1x Kingdra 1x Slowbro 1x Feraligatr 1x Kingler 1x Seaking
   * ▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives
   ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 5 Increase ice element skill to level 5
   * Defeat pokémons: 750x Pincer Kingler
   ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200
   * ▫️Collectitems: 200x Lazuli pokeorbs
   ♦️ Reward
   * ▫️Catch pokémons: 1x Tentacool 1x Kingdra 1x Slowbro 1x Feraligatr 1x Kingler 1x Seaking
   🔸5x Water Stone 5x Glace Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell King/Queen outfit Title of Seavell King/Queen
   * ▫️Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 5 Increase ice element skill to level 5
   * ▫️Level up: Reach level 200
   * ♦️ Reward
   * 🔸5x Water Stone 5x Glace Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell King/Queen outfit Title of Seavell King/Queen

Edição das 16h03min de 10 de novembro de 2024

  ▶️ Volcanic clan
  RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fire essences
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Vulpix 1x Ninetales
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 1 Increase ground element skill to level 1 
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Fire Stone 1x Earth Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic outfit Title of Volcanic Spark 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Charmeleon ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Charmander 1x Charmeleon 1x Charizard ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 2 Increase ground element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Fire Stone 2x Earth Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Flame
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 500x Arcanine ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Furs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 3 Increase ground element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Fire Stone 3x Earth Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Firetamer
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 700x Typhlosion ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Nails ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Growlithe 1x Arcanine 1x Ponyta 1x Rapidash 1x Magmar 1x Charmander ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 4 Increase ground element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Fire Stone 4x Earth Stone +10% experience to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Title of Volcanic Pyromancer
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Flamemaster Magmortar ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Ruby pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Cyndaquil 1x Quilava 1x Typhlosion 1x Slugma 1x Combusken 1x Blaziken ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fire element skill to level 5 Increase ground element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Fire Stone 5x Earth Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fire-type/Ground-type Pokémons Volcanic Master outfit Title of Volcanic Master


  ▶️ Naturia clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Seeds
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weepinbell 1x Victreebel
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 1 Increase bug element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Leaf Stone 1x Coccon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia outfit Title of Naturia Seed 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Tangela ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Oddish 1x Gloom 1x Vileplume ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 2 Increase bug element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Leaf Stone 2x Coccon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Sprout
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Meganium ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bulbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sunkern 1x Sunflora 1x Seedot 1x Nuzleaf 1x Shiftry ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 3 Increase bug element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Leaf Stone 3x Coccon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Webhead
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 700x Sceptile ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Leaves ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Victreebel 1x Bulbasaur 1x Ivysaur 1x Venusaur 1x Breloom 1x Skiploom ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 4 Increase bug element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Leaf Stone 4x Coccon Stone +10% experience to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Title of Naturia Woodtrunk
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Knight Scyther ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Emerald pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bellsprout 1x Ludicolo 1x Meganium 1x Vileplume 1x Victreebel 1x Treecko ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase grass element skill to level 5 Increase bug element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Leaf Stone 5x Coccon Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Grass-type/Bug-type Pokémons Naturia Keeper outfit Title of Naturia Keeper


  ▶️ Gardestrike clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Fighter gloves
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 1 Increase normal element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Punch Stone 1x Heart Stone +5% atk/def stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike outfit Title of Gardestrike Fist 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Hitmonlee ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 2 Increase normal element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Punch Stone 2x Heart Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Tamer
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Hitmonchan ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Fighter feet ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 3 Increase normal element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Punch Stone 3x Heart Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Fighter
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 700x Hitmontop ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Bands ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mankey 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 4 Increase normal element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Punch Stone 4x Heart Stone +10% experience to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Title of Gardestrike Deathhand
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Master Machamp ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Jasper pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Primeape 1x Machop 1x Machoke 1x Machamp 1x Poliwrath 1x Heracross ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase fighting element skill to level 5 Increase normal element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Punch Stone 5x Heart Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Fighting-type/Normal-type Pokémons Gardestrike Champion outfit Title of Gardestrike Champion


  ▶️ Malefic clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Poison bottles
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Ekans 1x Arbok
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 1 Increase dark element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Dusk Stone 1x Dark Stone +5% atk/def stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic outfit Title of Malefic Troublemaker 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Nidoking ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Grimer 1x Muk 1x Nidorino 1x Nidorina ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 2 Increase dark element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Dusk Stone 2x Dark Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Venomances
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 300x Crobat ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Bat wings ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Zubat 1x Golbat 1x Koffing 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 3 Increase dark element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Dusk Stone 3x Dark Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Spectre
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 700x Gengar ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Traces of ghost ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Weezing 1x Nidoqueen 1x Nidoking 1x Gastly 1x Haunter 1x Gengar ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 4 Increase dark element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Dusk Stone 4x Dark Stone +10% experience to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Title of Malefic Nightwalker
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Terror Gengar ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Tourmaline pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Haunter 1x Gengar 1x Ekans 1x Arbok 1x Nidorina 1x Nidorino ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase ghost element skill to level 5 Increase dark element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Dusk Stone 5x Dark Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Ghost-type/Dark-type Pokémons Malefic Lord/Lady outfit Title of Malefic Lord/Lady


  ▶️ Wingeon clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Bird beaks
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pidgey 1x Pidgeotto 1x Pidgeot
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 1 Increase dragon element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Heart Stone 1x Crystal Stone +5% atk/def stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon outfit Title of Wingeon Cloud 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Dragonair ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 2 Increase dragon element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Heart Stone 2x Crystal Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Wind
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 500x Pidgeot ▫️ Collectitems: 500x Feathers ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Fearow 1x Farfetchd ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 3 Increase dragon element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Heart Stone 3x Crystal Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Sky
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 700x Dragonite ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Dragon teeth ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dratini 1x Dragonair 1x Dragonite 1x Bagon 1x Shelgon 1x Noctowl ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 4 Increase dragon element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Heart Stone 4x Crystal Stone +10% experience to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Title of Wingeon Falcon
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Eternal Dragonite ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Pearl pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Noctowl 1x Altaria 1x Kingdra 1x Vibrava 1x Swellow 1x Pidgeot ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase flying element skill to level 5 Increase dragon element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Heart Stone 5x Crystal Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Flying-type/Dragon-type Pokémons Wingeon Dragon outfit Title of Wingeon Dragon


  ▶️ Raibolt clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 100x Imams
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 1 Increase poison element skill to level 1 
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Thunder Stone 1x Venom Stone +5% atk/def stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt outfit Title of Raibolt Shock 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 300x Flaaffy ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Mareep 1x Flaaffy 1x Ampharos ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 2 Increase poison element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Thunder Stone 2x Venom Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Watt
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Raichu ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Electric tails ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 3 Increase poison element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Thunder Stone 3x Venom Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Electrician
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 300x Electivire ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Electric boxes ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Elekid 1x Electabuzz 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 4 Increase poison element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Thunder Stone 4x Venom Stone +10% experience to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Title of Raibolt Overcharged
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Starskin Electivire ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Topaz pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Pichu 1x Pikachu 1x Raichu 1x Voltorb 1x Electrode 1x Magneton ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase electric element skill to level 5 Increase poison element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Thunder Stone 5x Venom Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Electric-type/Poison-type Pokémons Raibolt Legend outfit Title of Raibolt Legend


  ▶️ Psycraft clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Future orbs
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 1 Increase fairy element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Psychic Stone +5% atk/def stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft outfit Title of Psycraft Mind 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Hypno ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 2 Increase fairy element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Psychic Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Brain
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 300x Espeon ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Hypnosis medal ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Natu 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Baltoy ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 3 Increase fairy element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Psychic Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Scholar
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Togekiss ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Psychic spoons ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Abra 1x Kadabra 1x Alakazam 1x Drowzee 1x Hypno 1x Mr. Mime ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 4 Increase fairy element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Psychic Stone +10% experience to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Title of Psycraft Telepath
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Psycho Alakazam ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Amber pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Xatu 1x Kirlia 1x Exeggutor 1x Lunatone 1x Solrock 1x Claydol ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase psychic element skill to level 5 Increase fairy element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Psychic Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Psychic-type/Fairy-type Pokémons Psycraft Medium outfit Title of Psycraft Medium


  ▶️ Orebound clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Stone orbs
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Geodude 1x Graveler 1x Golem
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 1 Increase steel element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Moon Stone +5% atk/def stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound outfit Title of Orebound Sand 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 200x Sandslash ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 2 Increase steel element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Moon Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Rock
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhydon ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Sand bags ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Rhyhorn 1x Rhydon 1x Onix 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 3 Increase steel element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Moon Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type Pokémons/Steel-type Title of Orebound Solid
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Rhyperior ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Horns ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Sandshrew 1x Sandslash 1x Diglett 1x Dugtrio 1x Cubone 1x Marowak ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 4 Increase steel element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +10% experience to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Title of Orebound Hardskin
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Supreme Nidoking ▫️ Collectitems: 100x Onyx pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Marowak 1x Vibrava 1x Gligar 1x Sudowoodo 1x Pupitar 1x Larvitar ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase rock element skill to level 5 Increase steel element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Moon Stone 1x Metal Coat +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Rock-type/Steel-type Pokémons Orebound Hero outfit Title of Orebound Hero


  ▶️ Seavell clan
  ▶️ RANK 1: Complete objectives
  ▫️ Collectitems: 400x Water essences
  ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Squirtle 1x Wartortle 1x Blastoise
  ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 1 Increase ice element skill to level 1
  ▫️ Level up: Reach level 100
  ♦️ Reward
  🔸1x Water Stone 1x Glace Stone +5% atk/def stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell outfit Title of Seavell Drop\ 
▶️ RANK 2: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Jynx ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Dewgong 1x Cloyster 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 2 Increase ice element skill to level 2 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 120 ♦️ Reward 🔸2x Water Stone 2x Glace Stone +5% spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Icelake
▶️ RANK 3: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 400x Gyarados ▫️ Collectitems: 300x Turtle hulls ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Gyarados 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Mantine 1x Ludicolo 1x Wingull ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 3 Increase ice element skill to level 3 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 140 ♦️ Reward 🔸3x Water Stone 3x Glace Stone +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Waterfall
▶️ RANK 4: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 500x Lapras ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Sapphire pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Poliwag 1x Tentacool 1x Starmie 1x Corsola 1x Swampert 1x Marshtomp ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 4 Increase ice element skill to level 4 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 170 ♦️ Reward 🔸4x Water Stone 4x Glace Stone +10% experience to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% loot drop chance to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Title of Seavell Frost
▶️ RANK 5: Complete objectives Defeat pokémons: 750x Pincer Kingler ▫️ Collectitems: 200x Lazuli pokeorbs ▫️ Catch pokémons: 1x Tentacool 1x Kingdra 1x Slowbro 1x Feraligatr 1x Kingler 1x Seaking ▫️ Skill leveling: Increase water element skill to level 5 Increase ice element skill to level 5 ▫️ Level up: Reach level 200 ♦️ Reward 🔸5x Water Stone 5x Glace Stone +15% atk/def/spatk/spdef stats to Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons +5% def/spdef stats against Water-type/Ice-type Pokémons Seavell King/Queen outfit Title of Seavell King/Queen